Wednesday 30 May 2012

Crown making with year 1 and their parents was a success! We have created a suitably bejeweled crown for my daughter to wear at the celebrations on Friday. I stayed behind to help tidy up. The sticky tables and glitter filled carpet are almost back to how they were before we started. Staying on meant I was there to see 'pin the tail on the corgi'.  My daughter lost, as did everyone else except one child. She was devastated. The girl that won is perfect in my daughters eyes. She wins everything and is good at everything and is generally perfect. I think that was partly why she was so upset and cried. I wished I had left at that point. It's not nice having a bad loser for a daughter lol!
Grandma is celebrating her 88th Birthday today. I rang her briefly and the M&S flowers arrived safely first thing this morning. I hope that makes up for the fact that  the card is still on my kitchen table! Woops. I managed to get hold of my Mum who is not very cheerful. She has a bad knee, she hasn't done anything to it, it just feels uncomfortable, and like it might 'go' at any minute. She was more distressed about the neighbour that has died. It was a woman who was 2 years younger than her, she had a fit at home and died all alone. Mum was quite tearful and talking about the fragility of life. I just wish it would inspire her to get up off her arse and start living! Nothing else has so far, so I doubt this will be any different. She is registered blind, she is really tall and underweight, she is rather too fond of a glass of wine BUT she is only 58. I think she could really be classed as agoraphobic. I have tried to get her to move down to Devon, and tried to get her help but unless someone wants things to really change, it's pointless trying to cajole them. If she had managed to get herself down here this year, she could have been a great help when I start my course. She could have contact with the children, and generally feel a bit more involved, and even useful. It's not going to happen now.
It's Rainbows and Scouts tonight, and each child has a friend for tea. I have opted for pizza and curly fries. It's the safe option. I will do a bit of salad as well, but I am sure most of it will be left on the plate!
I will have to dash to pick them up now. I might get back to you all later........

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