Sunday 3 June 2012

I'm all jubileed out! This is what always happens. I could do with a duvet day so I am actually requesting more rain please. Sorry to all you folks who have your fingers crossed that it holds out tomorrow. No, maybe that's a bit hasty. I feel mean now. I'll probably feel more celebratory again tomorrow. I started reading through some of the revision and test books for literacy and science yesterday and realised just how much work I have to do. Who remembers all this?
This is really basic stuff and I knew it all, a long long time ago! The Literacy stuff was a bit easier and I haven't dared look at the maths yet. It's exciting really because with the benefit of hindsight, all these natural wonders seem so much more impressive and magnificent than they did when I was young and everything was new and incredible. Somehow, as a child, you learn stuff and you accept things that are quite awe inspiring, as if they are matter of fact. Because they are. It's only now with age and more of an overview that I can begin to appreciate the intricacy and cleverness of how things occur and how things interconnect. I think that will be hard to convey to a child. It's like telling a child or teenager to enjoy their youth! I really hope my own sense of rediscovered wonder will rub off.

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