Saturday, 7 July 2012

My husband collected my daughter from school yesterday, they waited to get home (in the rain), before opening the all important school report. She read it herself, when she saw the name of her teacher for next year, she lept from the sofa and jumped in the air! Up and down over and over again shouting yes, yes, yes and waving her arms with joy with the biggest smile on her face. Her report was shining. The teachers comment said -
It has been a pleasure teaching her this year. She has brought so much to our class with her entertaining personality. She is a natural leader and enjoys organising games and activities for her friends and has proved to be an ideal class representative for the school council. She approaches all her tasks with an enthusiastic attitude and is very conscientious. She listens carefully to instructions and is always keen to offer interesting thoughts and ideas to class discussions. It is lovely to see her flourish in her environment and enjoy her time at school so much. I certainly enjoy seeing her smiley face every morning! She should be very proud of her achievements this year and I wish her every success in year 2. Well done!
This comment actually brought a tear to my eye. How lovely.
Then we called our son and opened his report (with a little trepidation). It was thankfully brilliant. Despite the obvious difficulties with reading and writing, he is doing really well and has lots of amazing achievements this year too. He is above average in science, and doing very well in maths. His ICT effort and achievement were both A's. In his teachers comment she wrote that in class discussions he gives valued insights and demonstrates and expresses his wide ranging general knowledge. In music and drama it said he exudes enthusiasm. His CAT (cognitive tests) showed his non verbal reasoning scores were above average, which confirms he is a little brain box. Just as I thought! We made sure we heaped him with praise and told him he was doing really well. That he is a incredibly bright and that he shouldn't let his extra difficulties get him down. Easier said than done!

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